Sunday, November 2, 2008

You are invited!

To our Party!

We are having a big party on Saturday November 15th, starting at 12:00 pm.

Why? Well we really have 3 reasons:
  1. We want to have an open house for the new place.
  2. We always have a holiday party, but know that the time is going to be crazy in Dec, so decided to do it early.
  3. For Jody's graduation

We know how busy everyone is, so we thought we would throw it all into one big celebration. That means though that if it is a holiday party....we need holiday today we started getting out the trees and other decorations. Please watch for pictures later this week.

We hope you can come to the party, no need to bring anything, or RSVP, please just come and surprise us!


  1. Sounds like three great reasons to have a party! Wish we could join you but it's a little far for a weekend. Have a great time.

  2. Hope you guys have a great time. I will be flying back from Jacksonville, FL and will ask the pilot to blow the horn as we fly over.

    Enjoy yourselves.

