Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Friday Night in Brush

Last Friday Jody and I went to Brush to see the movie "Monsters vs. Aliens". Now the movie you can get a review of anywhere. But what I want you to see is all the activity in front of the movie theater about 20 mins before show time. The picture is a little grainy cause all I had was my cell phone. But the theater is on the left and you can see the marque.

First I need you to count all the cars... I think I see about 8 including ours. So not super busy. The good thing about the theater is the price $5 for adults and popcorn for a medium is $3 and a soda is $1.50. I challenge you to find some place cheaper.


  1. First Kevin took me to a gourmet dinner at: http://diggersdiner.com/

    Check it out! Named after the HS mascot the Beetdiggers (yes I am a Beetdigger).

    Then when we first got downtown to the theatre, there was only 2 other cars besides ours...so when he took this picture, it was 'busy'

    Gotta love the small towns :)

  2. You need to go to the Palm in SLO. I think it's about the same price and a lot of fun!!
