So after making tortillas, I said Kevin wanted me to make crepes....and Holly agreed, so here are the results....
I mixed up the batter, let it sit for a little over an hour and then cooked them up. I was surprised at how easy this really was to do.
Here they are cooling.
Once I had them cooked, I filled them with meat and cheese, rolled them and warmed them back up in the pan....and this is what they came out to be:
They were really good and a great dinner. We even made some dessert ones with jam inside. I think I may just have to make these again sometime.
Holly, what do they fill the crepes with there? I was looking for new ideas.....
Next up....homemade corn chips...well I have made the chips before our of store bought corn tortillas, this time...I make them all from scratch...
Oh, no. You totally put me in the mood for crepes. My favorite savory crepe includes a special sauce (mustard based), ham, feta (I think), peppers and green olives. Dessert crepes can be anything! People put bananas (ew), pineapple and strawberries with Nutela. Chocolate sauce is a good substitute! Also, if you want to go really crazy, grind up chocolate cookies, nuts and chocolate sauce. There goes my diet for the week!