Fort Morgan claims to be the boyhood home of Glenn Miller, the famous band leader. So to celebrate this, the city holds the Glenn Miller Dancin' on the Plains Festival. As part of this celebration they have a fly-in and have people bring in there vintage aircraft (typically WW2 era). Since the airport is not far from our house and the Lion's were serving a pancake breakfast and there was live 40's music we decided to check it out.
A Navy fighter.
This is a Beechcraft bi-wing
Gotta love the artwork, to customize the plane.
More planes came and went throughout the day, so we didn't see them all.
The most exciting thing I learned is that there is someone out there that does flight training....Ooooh I hope Kevin says yes to me getting a license .....
How could you turn down pancakes, 40's music and vintage planes? Glad you had a good time! US