Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

For our Anniversary, Kevin and I decided we wanted to get away for a couple of days.  So we took Friday off of work and headed to Colorado Springs.  We love the Springs area, so much to do there.  You may remember we were there last summer with Nadine (post 1 and post 2)

When we have been there before, we have not been to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.  I had been there once a very very long time ago, so we thought it would be fun to spend part of our day there

They have a HUGE exhibit of Giraffe's with a really cool area for you to feed them and I even got to pet one for a few minutes.  They are such large creatures but seem very gentle at the same time.  

Ok, I know I am short especially compared to a Giraffe....

But even Kevin is short....

They had at least 2 dozen Giraffe's in this area and even a baby...

You can see how big the Giraffe area is from up on the hilltop in another area of the zoo

So of course we had to feed them:

There really are other animals at the zoo too....and I love BIG cats so we have lots of those pictures.

Look how sweet they are...I need one at home....  ;-)

Kevin thought this bear was sitting at the dinner table.....waiting to be served. 

The zoo is really laid out well, and it is on a mountain side, so things are all around the side of the mountain, but they also built some really cool walkways like this one below to go see the bears. 

Kevin was afraid this Owl might land on just makes me think of Harry Potter and the very last movie that will be out soon...

This is Justin.  You know Justin right?  Justin Beaver.....

Finally, you know a zoo is a good place when you can find actual wildlife living in the zoo. 

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