Every year for Mother's Day and Father's Day, I get my parents tickets to a baseball game. I get my dad wheel chair seat and my mom a companion seat and always in the club level. This year I also got three tickets nearby (for Kevin, and Florian and me). So on Sunday, we went to see the Colorado Rockies play the Milwaukee Brewers
Now the Brewers are not that great of a team, and recently the same can be said about the Rockies. The game was close, but the Rockies lost 3 to 4. The Rockies didn't play so well, so they didn't really deserve to win, but it would have been nice to see them win while we were there.
The Coors Field is a great stadium. It is set up really well and always so beautiful, below you can just see the mountains in the background on the gorgeous day.
This is our attempt at a self taken group photo :-)
Kevin and Jody
We wanted to get a picture of Florian all set in his Rockies hat (free at the game), his t-shirt we had gotten for him before he came to Colorado and the stadium and field behind him. I know it was Florian's first baseball game, I hope he really enjoyed learning about the classic American sport as well as going to a professional game.
He did. I get a sms and he was thrilled.