Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sites of the road trip to Oregon

We have been busy.  After we got home from Chicago we were only home 3 days and then we headed off in the car to Oregon.  This is a bunch of pictures "from the road"  some on the way to Oregon and some on the way back...

We drove through Wyoming on both directions...
These are Pauline....

And this is Pauline falling off the rock......

We also drove through Utah both directions as well.  However there wasn't a nice place to stop and take a picture...besides see the no Parking sign....

On the way out we drove through Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and then into Oregon.  Unfortunately Nevada and Oregon didn't have a nice place or sign to take a picture of.

There also isn't much to see....

On the way back we drove through California, Nevada, Utah and is Mt Shasta....

And Lake Shasta...

And this BBQ Sand at KFC, did not sound good at all...sounds a little gritty....but heh for $2 might not be too bad. 

While in Oregon, I bought Stormy this toy Giraffe that we named Geoffrey.  The road going home was so straight and boring at times that even Geoffrey could drive I let him take the wheel for a bit. 
We will have more vacation pics soon...


  1. It looks like you guys had a WONDERFUL trip. Next time, we should drive to Oregon to see you, also! It would be so fun. I'm glad you had a good time.

  2. April, yes you should...Or better yet, you could come to Colorado :-)
