Saturday, November 5, 2011


Well we aren't really sure what her "forever" name will be, but we think she is the sweetest...

Yesterday we took a little drive to a small Colorado town and picked her up.  She is a Great Dane Puppy and is just 8 weeks old.  She should get pretty big, here are her parents:

This is her dad Sargent....he was very very sweet and I could have brought him home too...

He likes to lean up against you to get attention, here he is with my mom

This is Mom (Scooba) and Dad....

Here are some of the pups

Stormy is adjusting well, and she even thought about playing a little, I think in a few days they will be fast friends
 Stormy even let her bite her tail...

 Her first night, she found the treat basket and immediately fell in love with the bunny

 Here you can see her unique coloring, and she has blue eyes.....

 So what should we name her?  Any ideas?


  1. I tried to leave a comment before, but it didn't go through. Maybe a little unoriginal, but I think she looks like a Patches! So cute.

  2. That dog is adorable! I agree with Holly, Patches sounds pretty good
