Wednesday, July 11, 2012

St Louis and the Arch

I was excited the day we got to go to the Gateway Arch....The sun was shining and we were on our way, and I looked out the car window and saw beautiful...

Here is the baseball stadium.....we get a better view (see below) from inside the arch..

The arch as we approached on foot...
A couple of panoramic shots... one to the city and one to the Mississippi River

First things first though, we had to go up inside the is where you wait to get in the car that takes you up.
Yes the cars are small and only hold 5 people, but really they weren't too bad...

Here is Kevin sitting in the car waiting for us to go up...


Here is the stadium again, I was surprised at how well you can see it from the top of the arch.

The view of the court house (we did a short tour later in the afternoon)

The view of the riverboat we would take later....

 This gives you and idea of how wide and big it really is at the top, and you can see the little windows you get to see out of. 

See Kevin really did make it to the top

We did the Arch, and the Riverboat on June 19....our anniversary....Happy 13th!

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