Thursday, July 4, 2013

Georgia Coming up!

Another update.  I didn't know I was getting an actual memento of the award, but I did.  One of my coworkers picked this up on my behalf and sent it to me.  VERY cool. 

UPDATE: the paper that I co-wrote for the DLA conferences has now been published in their online journal: OJDLA  and featured on this webiste as well: 

Georgia coming up!

I am going to present at a conference on Jekyll Island soon.  I have wanted to go to this conference for a while now and so I was excited to be accepted.  Then I found out I had two presentations accepted.  But, the exciting piece is when I opened my email and saw this:

Hello Jodene,

Congratulations!  You will be receiving a
 Best Paper Award for your co-submission of Supporting the General Education Program for Distance and Adult Students.  Also, your paper will be published in the June edition of the OJDLA. 
I submitted this presentation with two other people from work.  We are very pleased and surprised by this award!  
 I hope to have pictures for you when I return.  

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