Saturday, March 29, 2008

Moving Hurts

Today we moved, and moved, and moved. We had two trailers (one we don't have to unload), that we filled up and sent to Ft. Morgan. My brother and parents drove the trailers back down there. Tomorrow Kevin and I will take my car, and his truck (which we also loaded) and head to Ft. Morgan. Where we will unload the big trailer and our cars.

There isn't much left here at the house. We are sitting on the loveseat, and I have the laptop on my lap....that is about all there is here in the house. But we are both beat up. Bruises, scrapes, aches and pains. And just think tomorrow we get to drive down there and unload almost all of it. Ugh. I am so tired. Tonight is a Tylenol night for sure. :)

Wish you were all help LoL.

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