Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brush 4th of July Parade

 The parade starts out with the presentation of the flag. 

 Why are the fireman in diapers?  I don't know, but it was funny...

It was really hot and the fireman were spraying people with water (at 100 - 105 F or  38-40 C), the water was very welcome...

Some kids had come prepared to try to get the fireman wet, I don't think the kids water guns were quite as effective as the big fire hose....

Many of the floats gave out candy and otter pops, again with the heat, this was very welcome....

Of course being in an agriculture area, there were a lot of tractors...

 Even Mickey had a tractor...

We decided the guy in the cow outfit (from one of our local stores) was certainly VERY hot...

It was a nice parade, but it was oh so hot, so we went home, and relaxed in the cool air conditioned house.

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