Sunday, April 20, 2008

Glad I'm not a lumberjack

Do to some circumstances Doug, Jody's brother, ended up getting the wood from a tree that someone had cut down in their backyard. It was supposed to be cut up into small pieces but what we found was that all the branches had been sorta cut up but the main trunk was still in one piece. So last weekend we loaded up all the little stuff into 4 pickup truck loads and got all that done and then on Friday Doug went and cut up the main trunk. So today myself, Doug, Robbie (friend of the family), Tim (Jody's nephew-in-law) and his two brothers (Jonathan and Dave) went to get the last of it. I thought it was gonna be just Doug and I loading it so I was expecting a grueling afternoon. But with all that help we had it all loaded in about 20 mins. So what I thought was gonna take all day, was hardly anything at all. Still filled two pickups and the chunks of wood still required two of us to pick them up. But now Doug should have enough firewood to last all winter and maybe more.

So I think I'll stick with my day job of programming, moving firewood is not my idea of a fun time.

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