Thursday, April 10, 2008

If April Showers bring May flowers....

What do April snows bring? The news warned us that is was coming, but sometimes it is hard to believe them. Anyway, this morning we woke up to this:

The weather guy is saying 70s again by Sunday. Welcome to Spring in Colorado. It is nice to see all the moisture out here since lawns were starting to get a little crispy and it is right on the edge of the time to turn on sprinklers or not. Last week the weather was nice and I thought we were about done with the heavy coats.

For those of you in warmer areas, we have to turn off our sprinklers in Oct and leave them off until about Apri/May otherwise they freeze and you end up with a real mess. That is actually something I had to learn when I bought my first house out here. Since we didn't have problems with freezing where I grew up in California.

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