Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Save those coins

We always have change in our pockets, so around here, we just throw it all into a jar. Well the jar overflowed and we had two red Dixie cups full of coins also. So rather than move all that money we decided to take it to the bank. On the way to the bank we each guessed that we would have $100-125, we were thinking this would be a good night out. Were we wrong! We had $338.60 in coins...pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters oh my!

We decided with moving we would surely have moving expenses so we put it all into savings. Then on the way home we thought of all the fun ways we could of spent the money. But alas, our responsible sides won out and it is still in savings.......for now :)

Let this be advice for you those coins!

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